Does An Air Purifier Dry Out The Air?

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Does An Air Purifier Dry Out The Air?

We all need clean air to survive, but some might say it’s impossible due to the constant degradation and pollution. Unfortunately, the best environment can still have invisible particles that are harmful or aggravate existing health issues.

Air purifiers are appliances that can significantly benefit your health and well-being. They’re beneficial for people who suffer from asthma or allergies but also remove smoke and moisture from cooking.

Unlike a traditional humidifier, an air purifier has no feature to remove moisture from the atmosphere. The filters inside this device can only take out particles like smoke, pollen, dander, molds, and smoke.

Does An Air Purifier Dry Out The Air?

Generally, two things are found in an air purifier: a fan and air filters. The fiber, mesh, or paper filters capture pollutants as air passes through the device. Once filtered, the device’s atmosphere is already cleaned and purified.

These devices are a great addition to spaces with poor air quality. But to compare it with a dehumidifier, air purifiers only act as ‘filters’ and retain the atmosphere’s moisture.

Can An Air Purifier Reduce Humidity?

Can An Air Purifier Reduce Humidity?

You can’t expect an air purifier to remove moisture from the atmosphere, and that’s why you need a separate appliance, such as a dehumidifier.

The summer season is the best time to use a dehumidifier. Reducing the amount of moisture gives you a cooler and more comfortable atmosphere in a given space. These electrical devices extract water from the air to maintain humidity levels.

In addition, they come with various features that can help eliminate musty odors and prevent mildew growth. These tiny devices are usually found on shelves or tables in areas frequented by people.

Why Does The Air Feel Dry When I Am Running My Air Purifier? 

Warmer weather is a sure sign that the room will be more humid. This happens because warm air contains moisture and circulates in your environment. As a result, the enclosed space becomes a suitable breeding ground for bacteria or mold spores to grow.

These particles are easily filtered out of the atmosphere and create clean and purified air using purifiers. If the device is left running for some time now, you may feel the air becoming drier.

However, this is not the case. The fresh air from the cleaners makes you think the air is drying. But it is only the clean oxygen coming through the machine.

What Else Can Reduce Humidity In Home?

There are several ways to maintain the humidity in your home.

1.) Turn on your air conditioner

Your AC naturally helps reduce indoor humidity by introducing cool, filtered air while removing humid smells and particles from your home. The AC’s fillers are a barrier, so only cool, clean air passes through the machine.

2.) Be sure to turn on the vent

Smoke emitted from cooking food adds moisture to the atmosphere. Turning on the ventilation ensures that humid air is removed from the room.

3.) Avoid warm showers

Your body needs to recharge when you get home from a long workday. Taking a long, warm shower can feel good on tired muscles and help relieve stress.

Unfortunately, it also causes the air outside of the room to become humid. You’re not adding as much steam by lowering the temperature and humidity levels.

Do Air Purifiers Make Your Throat Dry?

Air purifiers do not cause dry throats but are usually associated with other factors caused by a humidifier.

Whether using an ionic air purifier or HEPA type, these devices only clean the air from dust, pollen, and harmful particles like molds and dander.

Do Air Purifiers Dry Out Your Nose?

Do air purifiers dry out your nose?

Air coming out of an air purifier won’t dry your nose. However, the cool air from the fan could feel like it is drying your nose. Air purifiers only cleanse the atmosphere of impurities, so they don’t have the exact mechanism.

Air purifiers could help you breathe easier and feel more comfortable if you stay indoors. For example, having an air purifier could improve indoor air quality if you live near a busy highway.

Does an Air Purifier Dry Out the Skin?

No, an air purifier does not cause dry skin—unless it has a dehumidifier function. Only dehumidifiers can cause dry skin, especially with excessive use.

Air purifiers, however, work best for people with skin problems. Since pollutants are taken out of the air, people with oily skin would have less exposure to acne-forming particles (such as dust) and prevent breakouts.

Does an Air Purifier Help With Humidity?

Air purifiers won’t significantly affect the room’s humidity levels. Its primary function is to suck in all pollutants in the room’s atmosphere and give out clean and fresh air.

If you want to decrease the moisture (humidity) in the air, you can use an air conditioner to cool the room.

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