What Repels Dust On Ceiling Fans?

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What Repels Dust On Ceiling Fans?

The ceiling fans’ blade accumulating dust is a normal occurrence. But how convenient would it be if there were methods you could do to hinder the fast buildup of dust on your ceiling fan blades and junction box?

So if there are any, then what repels dust on ceiling fans?

You can prevent the future accumulation of dust on your ceiling fan by using a dust-repellant spray such as Endust, or you make one in your home to save money.

Apply the solution to the blades and wipe them off using a clean microfiber cloth.

But if you are still unsure and want to know more about how you keep off the dust for longer, let’s continue with today’s article…

Why is There So Much Dust On My Ceiling Fan?

Why is There So Much Dust On My Ceiling Fan?

Before we move forward and answer how to repel dust on your ceiling fan, we must identify why dust accumulates in the first place.

Another question that one may have is if the fans are moving and keeping the airflow in the room, then the dust shouldn’t be building up in the ceiling fan, right?

You have to bear in mind that dust accumulation is due to the static electricity generated by the ceiling fan’s rotors.

The flow of electrical charges from the main junction box to the blades attracts dust particles as the ceiling fan keeps the airflow within the room. As a result, it causes them to become dirty and unpleasing to look at.

The same dynamics are also the same as with any other fan appliance.

Dust is especially imminent in the warm air of summer. During these periods, your furniture and fixture are prone to the fast dirt buildup of your ceiling fan. Such an instance won’t be the case when the air is drier.

The good news is that applying solutions such as dust sprays or dust liquids reduces the frequency of cleaning.

Do Ceiling Fans Spread Dust?

Do Ceiling Fans Spread Dust?

Yes. Although dirt gets stuck on your ceiling blades, some particles are released into the air, and that’s highly possible you and other household residents are inhaling.

Unfortunately, some dust you inhale has allergens and other harmful pathogens that can make you sick. In addition, a dusty ceiling fan might have pollens and dust mites that might trigger an allergic reaction if it interacts with the skin.

Thus, properly cleaning your ceiling fan fixture is highly recommended.

How Do I Get Rid Of Fan Dust?

How Do I Get Rid Of Fan Dust?

Before you attempt to apply dust-repelling solutions, you must clean your ceiling fan fixture thoroughly, first and foremost.

The following are three simple steps to eliminate dust accumulation in your ceiling fan.

First Step: Preparation

Drop and spread a piece of old rug or sheet under the ceiling fan and over. But make sure that the sheet is twice as large as the diameter of the ceiling fan due to the dust that will fall off as you dust them out.

Next, you must position a two-fold ladder to properly clean the fixture. And then, you have to remove the light bulbs and put them neatly below so they won’t break.

Second Step: Dust

Now, move up to the ladder and dust the blades with a duster. And once you have dusted them completely, wipe them with a dry rug. Be mindful not to use a wet cloth because it will make the dust more difficult to clean.

If a ladder is unavailable now, you can use a U-shaped brush to remove the stubborn dirt on both ends of the blade. It is a cleaning tool that you can adjust the height in places that are harder to reach.

Third Step: Wash

The next step is to get a rag or sponge and moisten them. Once there is no longer dust, you can use a wet cloth to clean the blades completely.

You have to be sure you are not putting too much pressure on the blades because it might lead to irreparable damage.

Let the ceiling fan dry before you apply the dust-spray solution.

Is There Anything That Repels Dust?

Endust, Is There Anything That Repels Dust?

Although using a dust-repellant spray is not foolproof against dirt accumulation, it saves you time from cleaning because it hinders the fast dust buildup, especially during the warmer seasons.

They are available in two varieties: spray cans and liquid. However, the spray variety is the best and more convenient because you no longer have to damp them on cloth or the surface of the blades.

Regardless of the variety, both are usually very easy to use. All you have to do is apply them onto the ceiling fan and let it do its magic.

Endust Multi-Surface Dusting and Cleaning Spray, Lemon Zest, 12.5 Ounce (Pack of 2)

Endust Multi-Surface Dusting and Cleaning Spray

Some of the best dust-repellant sprays include Endust, Polyshield Anti-Static Dusting Spray, and Pledge Multi-Surface Cleaner.

Pledge Multi-Surface Cleaner Aerosol Spray, Works on Glass Leather, Granite, Wood, Marble, Chrome, Stainless Steel, Plastic, and More, Rain Shower, 9.7 oz (Pack of 3)

Pledge Multi-Surface Cleaner Aerosol Spray

But if you want to save money from your cleaning materials at home, you can use items commonly found in any household, like mixing dish soap, vinegar, and olive oil.

To recreate commercial dust-repellant spray, follow the steps relayed below.

  • Prepare a bowl and put two cups of water
  • Put one cup of vinegar
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil
  • Two drops of dish soap

It’s no guarantee that it will work similarly to those you find on the market, but it should give you at least a week of a dust-free ceiling fan.

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